Spring 2018 Writing Workshops

Spring 2018 Writing Workshops

I have the following workshops coming up this spring. They are open to all writers, so feel free to share.

Writing Your Memoir
with Suzanne Anderson
Everyone has a story to tell. Learn how to structure your personal experiences into a story. Find out where to begin, what experiences to choose and how to start writing. Suzanne teaches writing workshops all over BC.

4 hour workshop 9:00 – 1:00
February 17 at Island Savings Centre in Duncan $50 –  register 250-748-7529
March 24 at Shawnigan Lake Community Center $50 – register 250-743-1433
April 28 at Beban Social Centre in Nanaimo  $45 – register 250-756-5200

Writing Articles to Publish
with Suzanne Anderson
There are thousands of magazines, both print and online, looking for a steady supply of articles. Learn how to choose a topic, how to structure an article, how to write a query letter, and how to find magazines that want your article.

All day workshop 9:00 – 4:00
March 3 at Island Savings Centre in Duncan $75 – register 250-748-7529
April 29 at Beban Social Centre in Nanaimo $80 – register 250-756-5200